Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Day

I hope that you know my King. 

For nearly 2,000 years now people have been entrusting their lives to Him because of our with in God's ability to raise us too from the dead. 

Many historians and Biblical scholars have pointed out that the resurrection was like a catalyst for the revolution that was simply called the Way. Those that opposed and tried to oppress the Way and it's message of Life found their task to be futile. Because the disciples of the One who was shown to be the Messiah didn't stop. Not even when their "lives" on at stake. The disciples didn't stop then -and we still haven't stopped to this day, some 2,000 years later. When you're dealing with disciple's of Jesus, when you're dealing with the Kingdom of God, you are dealing with a people that know that they too have been resurrected --because their King has victoriously conquered death. 

"Death has been swallowed up in victory. 
O Death, where is your victory? 
O Death, where is your sting? 
Thanks be to God for Jesus, the Liberating kING, Who brought us victory over the grave."

--1 Corinthians 15:54-57 

I hope that you know my King. 

I hope that you are living a resurrected life, where you are set free from sin and death and all of their bondage. 

I hope that you know the love of Christ, and how strong and endless it is for you. 

I hope that you know followers --those of the Way. We are His Kingdom, and today (like every day really) we celebrate our Resurrection Day.